7 Reasons Why You should PRAY Regularly

For those of you who are like me and believe in prayers, sometimes we tend to schedule our prayers in the morning after waking up and later in the night before going to the bed. We rarely pray in the course of the day because we tend to ‘assume’ we are very busy (which may be true). Reason behind this? May be we don’t truly identify convincing reasons enough for us to pray in the middle day.
If we can regularly find good convincing reasons, however, we may have to find some time and pray as the day goes by. Below are reasons I found really convincing for someone to pray at any time of the day.

1) To give thanks
You should always find a reason to thank God for at any time of the day. If you are breathing, this is a reason more than enough to thank God for; the Gift of Life. And if you are in good health, again say thank you Most High. Daily meal provision and good shelter are other good things that God has done to you.
Besides these, you witness success, achievements and other good happenings in your life that indicates God’s blessings. Express your gratitude to Him by saying a short prayer at any time.

2) Ask for Guidance & Protection
It’s wise to ask for God’s guidance and protection in everything you do and everywhere you go. Ask Him to guide you towards true love and friendship. Also pray Him to be with you in times of troubles and guide you to address it. Try to involve Him in your daily activities and you will witness a positive change in your life. Ask Him to protect you from all evils and dangers along your way in life.

3) Ask for forgiveness
Nobody is righteous; everyone have sins, some of which ‘we assume’ are smaller and not really sins. As we take the daily activities, we should make some time and repent our sins in a short prayer. Sins widen the gap between God and you, as they decrease that between you and Satan. Repent to get closer to God, He forgives all kinds of sins.

4) To praise God
God gets happier with you when you praise and worship Him. Say a prayer of worship and praises to Most High to proclaim His mighty power and blessings over you. When you praise Him with your soul, He gets happy with you and He blesses you for that. He stays by your side every second of the day and you become more successful.

5) To eliminate fears
Everyone comes across opportunities and responsibilities that seem to be too big to you such that you lose the courage to try them. Remember that “with God, everything is possible.” So, pray Him to give you the courage you need to proceed with life.

6) To keep the devil away
“A prayer a day keeps the devil away.” When you pray, God stays by your side and protects you from the evil. Prayers shorten the gap between you and the devil such that he starts to fear you. When you pray more, the devil misses a chance to demote your faith in God who is always with you.

7) To wash your tears away
Sometimes things happen in life and leave you crying with sorrows. A good example here is when a person you love care for passes out, such as a lover, family member or a great friend. You feel as if the world has come to an end and ask God why? But you should understand that everything happens with a reason and nothing lasts forever- not even sorrows or troubles. Always pray God to wash away your tears and give you happiness.

This list is endless as every day we have more and more reasons to say a prayer to God, our creator. And we should try to increase the time that we pray by praying more regularly in course of the day for the above reasons and others that we may find. We get close to God and life becomes happier, besides being successful.

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