Wake up! Reach your dreams, goals & visions.

Take the risk to try it even if it seems impossible; you may fail the first or up to third or more times (it don’t have to be), but after several trials, you will finally come up with a way to do it. You will have the confidence to call yourself a successful man in whatever industry you specialize or chose to work in.
How to Put Your Dream to Reality
Every dream and vision should be put (or come) into reality soon than later. If you can dream, it you can achieve it. It needs you to believe in yourself first, believe that you have the potential to make it. Then do a thorough research on how you can make it to your dream. Brainstorm, read more, ask the experts and then get all materials you found helpful and worth using in favor of your dream (having identified the different tasks). Come up with a clear plan clearly allocating each specific activity to its enough time.Even if you are disabled or have any kind of disadvantage over other people around you, note that disability is not inability. Make the right and firm decisions, go for it (your dream), what you desire. You will soon make it.You may be required to neglect and break from some things/activities that lead your dream astray. Make proper use of your 24 hours every day, doing activities that are in line with your mission which is to reach your dream/vision.
Believe me!
Remember to set some time to relax the mind and have some fun with friends or family, maybe over some weekends. Take some body exercise such as jogging, sit-ups, play football, etc. It’s good to keep the mind and body healthy, strong (even to emotions), creative, active, productive, flexible, free and vigorous, among other good deeds.
Ensure you take balanced diets, with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Take enough water to avoid dehydration, constipation and ensure proper functioning of the body. Stop eating when/before you feel full. At the same time, make sure you take enough sleep.
All these are things that help to use the available time actively to the maximum and this would raise the probability of reaching the dream.
When you go to the field, try to avoid distractions and have the courage to try everything keenly and more seriously. *I don’t mean you are not serious in this level!* What I really mean is that there is some level of dedication, seriousness and willingness that you need to have as you tackle every single act. Avoid wastage of time.
You neither want to take these activities as a punishment, nor as impossible. But instead, believe in yourself, plenty of precious power lies within you. Take them as responsibilities and use them to develop very important duties and time schedules.
During implementation, be true to yourself and follow what you assigned to your own-self. Try to complete all tasks in time. Have the time set aside also for reading, travelling attending conferences on the related field. You may learn new ideas and tactics that you could add to your process and enhance the quality and/or quantity of the outcome of your project.
Remember, you will need to trust in yourself and your creator (God). The reason behind this? Your creator had a reason to put you in this world and has great plans for those who trust in Him. Give thanks every day, repent, pray, do the right and avoid evil things. He is not preparing the blessings for you, note, He is preparing you for them. And when the time is ripe, when He sees that you are equal to the task, He will give you your blessings.
In your daily prayer,
Ask Him to reveal you the truth, help you see the reality, give you wisdom and reveal your dream to you as He protect you from dangers and evils and help you to wisely choose friends. Pray for guidance and leadership towards reaching your dream. He surely will answer you, if you trust in Him.Don’t give up even when you feel like. When they mock you and say that you can’t make it, when you fail once or thrice, or when good results delay to extra time, He is still in control. Note that, you only never know how close you were to your blessings/dreams the moment you decide to give up.
Life is easy: be high-hearted, self-motivated, have self-belief, love, respect and take care of yourself and others, be determined, have a direction in life and it will be yours to live happily and enjoy! And remember that your future depends on what you are doing now. So, model every single second to ensure a productive, happy life.
When you make it later in life, however, it’s not yours alone. If you share with others who might be in great need of what you have (even if its ideas or wise words), you’ll be blessed more and more, and you will have lived a more meaningful life. You may also be regarded as successful, be a good role model to others and have or leave a good legacy to those who know you; up to being written in the record books...
Ah! Never mind, but this is very much possible.
So, if you still asleep, WAKE UP! Make hay while the sun shines. Make valuable use of your daytime. Take risks, worry less! Note; when it comes to your dreams, every risk is worth it. Follow your conscience and work to reach your dreams & visions.
That’s how!!!
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