The following are ways to help you escape bankruptcy, hunger and the overall poverty in life:
1) Have a garden (whether lending or own)
When you have a garden, you can cultivate some food crops and rear some animals, and you don’t have to be hungry. At the same time, you can do agribusiness where you cultivate cash crops and rear animals for the available market. You can sell your crops and animals- for meat- and end up earning good money to help you move on with life.
2) Secure a job for yourself, whether self or other employments
You need to have a job where you spend your daily time and get appropriate compensation. Go to school and learn skills that are highly competitive in the job market. If you don’t get employed, employ yourself in your own small business or company. With time, you may find yourself employing others to help you do your job. Either way, you will have escaped bankruptcy and hunger.
3) Save for the future
When you have some income, make sure you don’t use all of it. At least you need to save something little for the unexpected future. Accidents happen in life, you may get fired, diseases and other emergencies might also come to deteriorate your economic standards. But if you have some savings, you will remain stable even after these life situations.
4) Avoid unbudgeted expenditures
Try to avoid expenditures that you never planned in your budget. They break your plan and you end up misusing your money. Spend on the unbudgeted only if it is really important- may be you forgot to list it down. To ensure this, do not carry more money than the budget total when going for shopping.
5) Invest in other sectors
You should not put all your eggs in one basket. If it falls, all your eggs get broken. Try to invest in other sectors different from your own. Buy shares from different companies so that you don’t have to go bankrupt if one company fails.
6) Know how to prioritize expenditures
Learn to prioritize your expenditures on needs and wants that are really important. Hold on the ones that can wait longer. Prioritize on using your money on things that can bring you more money where possible.
7) Help others where you can, they might assist you in future
Live for others and they will live for you. Help those you can. Do not literally help expecting help in return. But if you help, God will send you a helper when you need one. Practice kindness and generosity. Not all people will watch you suffer when they can help.
8) Diversify your income sources
Try to get more income sources instead of relying only on one source of income. If you earn through employment for instance, you should invest in other sectors such as business or agriculture so that you don’t have to suffer when fired. When you have many sources of income, you can hardly become bankrupt or die of hunger even after one source collapses.
9) Research what others are doing
Stay updated with the current trends in the world. Research what other people are doing to get more money and escape poverty. Read books, newspapers and magazines, and even ask “Google” to be well informed about what others are doing to better their lifes. Go for the ones that do not compromise your personal principles.
10) Pray the Most High
If you want to move on well in life, let God be by your side. Do the right and try not to break His commands which are written in our hearts. Always pray Him to guide and provide for you. Do what you can and leave the rest to Him. If you pray in faith, God answers prayers. Let Him intervene in your life and you will never be bankrupt, die of hunger or remain poor.
Try to do things that can better your life and help you escape poverty, bankruptcy and hunger. No one deserves these. Not even you!
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