15 Awesome Things to Do For and By Yourself

There are special things that only you can do for yourself to make your life the way you want it to be. You are the Chief Executing Officer (CEO) for your life and only you can design it. You deserve a happy life and you should do the following things to better yourself.


This is a very effective method of mind relaxation. Meditation also helps you to think carefully about something that concerns your life. You get to talk with your inner-self/conscience as well as your creator- for spiritual purposes.

Body exercise

Exercising your body helps you to get relaxed both in the mind and body. It makes your body more active and flexible, and also helps to get rid of unwanted fats in the body. Regular exercise assists in maintaining your health as well as reducing stress.

Read a book/novel/magazine

Reading a book exposes your mind to the thoughts of other people in the world so you don’t get bound only to your thoughts. You learn new information that helps you improve your own knowledge and you can even learn very useful information. Also, you can take an online course to add up your knowledge.

Write your vision/dream

On a daily basis, everyone sees visions and dreams about his/her better future. In contrast, it’s very sorrowful that many of these dreams and visions go unreached and even unnoticed. It’s wise to take some time and write down your visions and dreams that you wish to meet in the future. They help you define your mission and work plan.

Make a plan

Making a blueprint for your daily activities helps you ensure maximum utilization of available time. It helps you do the activities that take you steps towards achieving your vision and life goals. You should design a plan for your activities and make sure you set aside some time for active exercise.

Listen and dance to your favorite music

At least once a while, you should turn on your favorite music and listen to it as you dance. It helps to relax your mind and body. You may also be praising, giving thanks or connecting to your creator if your favorite music happens to be praise songs.

Eat fruits, vegetables and drink water

Fruits and vegetables are well known for they are very rich in vital nutrients necessary for healthy body such as vitamins. Eating them regularly helps improve your body immune system. Drinking enough water is also important as it helps improve the body health and prevent problems like constipation.

Visit a comedy show
You deserve to be happy. Sometimes, having other people to make you laugh helps a lot. It assists in relaxing the mind as you don’t have to think other things while a funny comedian is on stage. It also helps in reducing stress.
Practice drawing/painting or playing musical instruments
These are other things that help you relax your mind. You can even become a pro and offer it as a service and earn big. At the same time, they play an important role in stress reduction.

Take enough deep sleep

Taking enough sleep is very essential to your body and mind health. It helps you to get both your mind and body relaxed so you wake up fresh and ready for the scheduled activities. You become more productive, effective and efficient in your work. At least, you should sleep for 6-9 hours a day.

Visit a concert or museum/art gallery

These are places where you hear and/or see other people’s ideas and work. You get to learn how other people think about something. This way, you develop and improve your knowledge regarding an item/product at stake. You also get your mind relaxed.

Go for a walk

Take a walk in the nature and observe the different natural behaviors and happenings. Take a walk in the park alone as you meditate about your future and relax the mind & body. Go out with a friend, spouse or daughter/son as you converse about life.

Take photographs

Take photos at different positions posing differently. Take photos out in the nature. Smile as you do this. They help relax the mind and give you a sweet moment found nowhere else on earth.

Ride a bike

Ride your bike once a while along the road, field or pavement. Sometimes, go out over a weekend and compete with your friends. It is a good body exercise and also assists in relaxing the mind for stress relieve.

Share with others/donate

Always feel free to share whatever you have with your friends and those who need it. Share your moments, items and ideas with others. They help you handle tough moments and at the same time, you can help someone in one way or the other. Be there for others and they will be there for you. That’s how you get yourself more blessings from God, your creator.

These are things that are very crucial towards a happy life. Do them by yourself to help you improve and better your own life.

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