To Tell That Your Partner Is Lying On You, Look For These 8 Sneaky Ways

In romantic relationships, you are always worthy to have peace of mind that your spouse is being 100% honest with you.
Every person can tell petite white lies occasionally, but other practices of deception happen to be more serious. It is even trickiest that individuals who cheat more are typically better at it than those who barely lie. Therefore, in case your companion is a well-collected cool liar, you will hardly realize they are doing it. Moreover, when you happen to catch them, they are usually very good at diverting and distracting your talk out of it.
Fortunately, here are some signs that may help you detect the habits of even the best and coolest liars.

How to tell your partner is lying on you!

How to identify a lying partner
How to identify a lying partner

1) They always say they never lie

Most of the time, your partner will say they do not lie. Sometimes this statement actually means that they are lying and would never want you to know it. It is normal and OK for everyone to tell little white lies occasionally. Another case could be when they say, “I know you think I’m lying,” they actually mean that they are lying.

2) They are behaving in a different way

Does your partner seem more distant lately?
You can easily detect a lie right from the starting point. If your partner acts differently from the normal ways, he may be doing it out of stress; probably because they are being dishonest. Look for signs such as widening the distance from you, bowing out of plans, among other behavioral changes. They usually have a meaning.

3) They Make a Lot of Eye Contact or avoid them occasionally

In most cases, people think that liars avoid eye contact for fear of embarrassment. Yet, great liars truly do exactly the contrary. They will keep eye contact with you so you may not think they are lying.
However, if somebody who habitually maintains eye contact is avoiding it with you when you are talking about something, this is a clear sign that they could be dishonest.

4) They break from talking about themselves

When your partner is lying, he/she will always try to change the focus of the conversation away from them. He or she may change the story and direct it onto other people, even if it is meaningless. Great liars try to emotionally stay away from the lie that they are weaving.

5) They frequently blame you

Generally, liars constantly shift blames to other persons. This is a clear indication that they have something they are hiding. They shift blames to you so you cannot ask them what is going on. In mature, loyal and honest relationships, partners take accountability for misconducts and bad behaviors. Therefore, someone who avoids such responsibilities is not a truthful partner.
In case you realize this in your relationship, say it and ask their real intentions.

6) They Put On A Fake Smile

When your partner puts a smile that does not look fairly right, they could be indicating a lie. Commonly, lying goes along with a forced smile. However, most people are only able to control the lowermost half of their face, producing a smile around the mouth but does not show around the eyes. This is a forced smile that means that something is not straightforward.

7) They do not want to tell the facts

Sometimes when you try to seek the truth, your partner will withhold vital information and give other explanations instead. This violation of trust is normally a real sign of lying.
For example, you expect an honest and straightforward answer from your partner who slept or was away last night. Therefore, if he or she replies with “nowhere unusual,” your partner might be telling lies.

8) They use sex to confuse you

Never be tricked by sexual advances. When your partner is lying on you, he/she will distract you with sex so you can forget/assume the subject you were conversing about. When you are talking about their sneaky plans, your partner may fear that you will recognize their tactics. They will go straight to the most effective distraction (sex), to change the focus of the conversation.

Note: the above signs apply to both men and women.

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