10 Fundamental Healthy eating tips For Active Lifestyle

Most people do not know or exercise healthy eating habits, they eat too much even when they feel full until plate goes empty, rarely eat fruits, eat sugary foods and have other eating habits that increase the risk of lowering immunity and risks of diseases like cancer. The following ten tips are easy and fast to integrate in our eating habits for better immunity and longer happier lives.
Tips for healthy living
Eating Tips for Healthy Living

1) Ensure balanced diet.
This means eating meals rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins. Ensure you mix all these minerals in each single meal. They assist in keeping the body healthy and improve your immune system such that your body is resistible to diseases and infections. Do not overeat a specific mineral and neglect the rest, all are equally important in good percentages for the good functionality of the body.

2) Eat fruits.
A fruit a day keeps the doctor away! Fruits provide our bodies with necessary minerals such as folic acid, potassium and fiber as well as Vitamins A and C. These are very important in our bodies for combating certain diseases. At the same time, fruits rich in fibre can satisfy hunger with no impact on the body weight. Ensure you eat at least one fruit a day for us to get the benefits they come with.

3) Go for good fats.
Fats are macronutrients necessary for the health of our bodies. However, avoid saturated fats rich in cholesterol such as that found in red meat, whole milk, coconut oil, cheese, and other baked foods. Try to eat more of the good unsaturated fats such as olive oil, sunflower oil, nuts, avocado, canola oil, flaxseeds, salmon, walnuts, unhydrogenated soybean oil, etc. They are very essential for the health of our bodies.

4) Eat more vegetables.
These are essential for good health as well as provision of important minerals and vitamins to our bodies. Make sure you eat vegetables such as kales, spinach, turnip greens and other dark leafy vegetables, which provide a diversity of good bacteria gut which improves the body’s immune system.

5) Prefer white meat to red meat.
Red meat has been repeatedly associated with the risk of colon cancer over the years. We need to minimize the consumption of red meat if not cutting it out. Substitute it with white meat such as chicken and fish meat, which seem to minimize the risks of cancer and for the overall body health.

6) Drink more water.
Water assists your body in digestion. Did you know that our bodies constitute of over 60% water? It helps in transmitting minerals and oxygen through the body. At the same time, it assists in removal of wastes from the body such as through urine and sweat. Water is essential for good health as well as assisting in good body functionality.

7) Eat only when hungry and stop when full.
Many people do not believe they are full until the plate goes empty. Eating small meals regularly assists in even distribution of energy through the body and the stomach does not have to overstretch from digesting huge amounts of food at a time. Listen to your body, it tells you when to eat and when you get full to stop eating.

8) Prepare your meals yourself.
Try to prepare your food whenever you can. It makes you take control of what you eat rather than choosing from the optimal choices in a restaurant. Try to prepare your meals for yourself and carry some in a hot dish whenever you are going out for a long day.

9) Avoid deep-fried food.
Deep-fried foods increase the risks of cancer as they contain acrylamide, which is a potential cancer-causing chemical. Consume otherwise prepared food such as steamed food, stir-fried or even raw food as you minimize your consumption of deep-fried foods, fast foods, doughnuts, wedges, chips and such.

10) Avoid sugary foods/drinks.
Sugary foods such as cakes, cookies, chocolates, etc. makes you eat more instead of getting full. Sugary drinks such as soda leads to weight gain and are most probably artificial stimulants. Using them occasionally is not as bad but regular consumption is harmful to your health. Substitute them with plain food and water, vegetables, green tea and other non-sugary foods and drinks.

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