No maximum of anything in this life that you should do or get or give.
There is no maximum joy or happiness that a person should get.
No maximum sadness and sorrow that is supposed to befall an individual.
No maximum of good deeds to others. No maximum kindness; or amount of a thing to give.
No maximum gifts to be given to a good person.
No maximum of doing good.
There should be no maximum amounts to be contributed by a person in favor of a project that benefits the large community or a fundraising.
No maximum music should be sung when time and mood allows.
No max advice to be given to the youth and those who need it.
No max time to spend with those you love and value; those who makes your heart cool down.
No maximum of doing and inspiring others to do good and live accordingly; righteously.
Situations in life act this way. No maximum and sometimes minimums of the impacts of life situations.
Other things have their maximums, minimums and even exacts. E.g. medication from a physician, amount to send or withdraw from banks and mobile money accounts. There is maximum and minimum amount of food that a person should eat to fill his/her stomach; max and min time to spend in an event or meeting.
But the best and worst moments and deeds seem to have no maximum, minimum and even exact amounts to reach satisfaction. Satisfaction of body, heart and soul.
So, if you get any good thing in plenty, enjoy yourself and step ahead to look for more and more. If you get plenty tangibles, make sure you save and/or invest to enjoy it even tomorrow and in the future.
If you get plenty of bad/negative things and/or moments, take care; shake them off from you and start a new life. Their plenty can have negative long-term implications that may lead to retardation. And you don’t want that!
In case you stumble across a pessimistic friend, it may be your will, but trying to change them may not always bear good fruits. So you may find it better (from your conscience) to leave them and go your way. Others out there are looking for the same opportunity to become your friend.
Don’t waste your time looking for max amounts; be contented with what you already have. Use it well to ensure a better future as you wait for your creator to come for you. So we got to do good with no maximums and appreciate with no minimums, waiting for the same to be done unto you.
We should pray Jah to help us, guide our ways to righteousness and straighten our decisions after internal self-arguments, to see our world and life(s) change to righteousness and oneness.
Its only when we come together that we are able to combine our ideas, solutions-suggested and mobilize available resources, integrate them to the fullest to address the issues affecting us all in a better way.
Our problems are very big but if we join hands, we simplify them and face them the right way. The hatred and envy amongst us, poverty and crime within ourselves, killing one another and enjoying life at the expense of our brothers and sister, can all be eliminated by Love and oneness. Let sharing and kind acts not be an option, but a solution to our problems. Then ask God to intervene and help us accomplish all these.
Jah knows our problems better than we and that’s why we should engage Him in solving them. Read and understand His wills and commands, internalize these and do as per Hiss words. Love carries all these. Love to brothers and sisters even those who hate us and do bad to us, forgive them for great progression.
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