Life Quotes (With Pictures)

Hello my friend, Welcome to Best Life Quotes & Lessons Website.

Today, we’re presenting to you: “Life Quotes (With Pictures)” to keep you always uplifted and inspired. We have around 50 of the best life quotes here in this article.

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Below is the video followed by the post…; Hope you enjoy!

Best Life Quotes (With Pictures)

1. There is always, always, always, something to be thankful for.

2. Be positive and trust the timing of everything. Just because it’s not happening right now doesn’t mean it never will. Stay patient.

3. Everyday can be the best of your life.

4. Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can’t begin to explore your possibilities.

5. Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone.

6. One of the most important keys to success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don’t feel like doing it.

7. If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.

8. I know you’re tired, but come. This is the way.

9. Not everyone will make it to your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you lessons in life.

10. When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is!

11. Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.

12. It hurts when you realize you aren’t as important to some people as you thought you were.

13. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

14. Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.

15. Let me remind you: Wherever your focus is directed, that’s where your energy is. Whatever you allow in your space, you eventually become.

16. Don’t listen to what people say, watch what they do.

17. Be careful with your words. They can only be forgiven, not forgotten.

18. You only live once? False. You live every day. You only die once.

19. The wrong people always teach you the right life lessons.

20. Give, but don’t allow yourself to be used. Love, but don’t allow your heart to be abused. Trust, but don’t be naïve. Listen, but don’t lose your own voice.

21. Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.

22. It’s better to say how you feel and mess it up, than to say nothing and let it mess you up.

23. Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go; no one else.

24. Train your mind to be stronger than your feelings.

25. Don’t be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you.

26. You can watch me, mock me, block me, or join me. What you cannot do is stop me.

27. Never announce your moves before you make them.

28. Believe in your dreams.

29. They want to see you do good, but never better than them. Remember that!

30. Persistence is the vital link to victory. We must know what we believe and be determined to stick with it until we see results.

31. Everything will happen for you all of a sudden and you’ll be thankful you didn’t give up. Blessings are coming. Believe that.

32. Prayer is talking to the universe. Meditation is listening to it.

33. Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.

34. Never tell your problems to anyone. 20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them.

35. Everything is a choice.

36. No one is too busy in this world. We all have the same 24 hours… It’s all about priorities.

37. The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

38. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

39. Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones, because regret is stronger than gratitude.

40. Your comfort zone is your enemy.

41. Never let an old flame burn you twice.

42. Don’t kill people with kindness, because not everyone deserves your kindness. Kill people with silence, because not everyone deserves your attention.

43. You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.

44. At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not our competence but our character; and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love.

45. If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

46. Stop looking for a partner. Focus on your goals. Focus on gaining knowledge. Focus on growing as a person. Only then the right person will find you.

47. Do not be fooled by outward appearance. Real beauty comes from within.

48. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, focus on what could go right.

49. The difference between school and life: In school, you’re taught a lesson and the given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.

That’s the collection of Life Quotes (With Pictures) presented to you by “Best Life Quotes And Lessons” website and YouTube Channel. I hope they inspired and motivated you to live happily in life.

Please like and share your comment below.

And don’t forget to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ “Best Life Quotes & Lessons here” for more inspiring life quotes and lessons.

Thanks everyone. Let’s meet in the next video and post.

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  1. Great quotes, thanks for sharing this. Really helpful!

    1. I'm glad you like it. Stay tuned for more. Thank you!


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